Bursary Portal for Academic Year 2024/2025 



Welcome to the paymystudent bursary portal!  If you have enrolled for the academic year 2024/2025, Please start your applications now and upload all your evidence in the correct format. 

Bursary office will make assessments in early October for those with fully completed applications.   


Please have the following document ready before starting your application.

  • Passport, ID Card, or Home office papers (One of these documents)
  • Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, ESA or Pension Credits Universal Credits – 3 statements ALL Pages in .pdf format
  • Bank statements – 3 statements showing benefit payment (Bank statement of Parent who is receiving benefits) 
  • Bank account details to make bursary payment must be the students bank account


Local Authority Students

  • ID Card, or Home office papers (One of these documents)
  • Detailed letter from local authority
  • Student must have bank account setup
  • LAC FORM - contact [email protected] for LAC form


EHCP Students 

Parents' of EHCP students must submit an application for 2024 /2025. Please logon uisng the sign in button at the end of the page. 


Advanced Learner Loan

Students on Level 3 and above courses can apply for ALL using the following link or call 0300 100 0607/0619.

Advanced Learner Loan: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Once you have received your Advance Learner Loan confirmation letter please submit your bursary application.


Higher Education Loan

Students on Higher Education course can apply for HE Loan please call 0300 100 0607 for further information.

 HE student can not apply for bursary. 



Screenshots will not be accepted, you can take a photo and upload the photo

If we do not receive all your document within one month of application, your application will be declined. 

Bursary is subject to attendance of 90% and above, and should be used for hardship related to accessing education.

Please watch the video for further assistance on how to apply .



Login using your College email address - ID NUMBER @student.west-thames.ac.uk Password (Same as your college computer password)

Please ensure your microsoft sign in password is a complex password.